From the Portland Trail Blazers to the New Orleans Pelicans, CJ McCollum is one of the low-key but powerful shooters in the league. McCollum's singles strength is always overly underestimated. He has a textbook-level shooting posture and is good at mid-to-long distances. Shooting, his career three-point shooting percentage is close to 40%, and his scoring average has never been less than 20 points per game since the third season of his career. He is definitely one of the most powerful shooting guards today.
- 賽季: 2024-25
- 鵜鶘 132 [勝] 120 巫師
- C.J. McCollum|50 分、2 助攻、3FG 16-10
McCollum在陣中兩大球星Brandon Ingram、Zion Williamson皆缺陣的情況下,一肩扛起得分重任,以超過6成命中率的火燙手感狂砍10顆三分,轟下平生涯新高的50分,率隊以12分差擊敗巫師。
11 three-pointers in a single game broke team history
鵜鶘 127 [勝] 116 七六人
★ CJ McCollum|42 points, 5 assists, 3FG 16-11
McCollum hit 7 three-pointers in the first half and scored 23 points. Joel Embiid, who was forced to play from the outside on several fast breaks, was dejected. In the end, he hit 11 three-pointers in Pelicans history and scored the whole game. A maximum of 42 points helped the team beat the Sixers to win.
Zion Williamson scored 36 points in the same game. When talking about McCollum's performance, Williamson pointed out the key point, "None of those three-pointers were forced shots, which makes it look so beautiful. None of his shots seemed to be hard shots, and the rhythm was smooth. very good."